Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The King

just another studio caricature, this time it's elvis. trying to push myself to do something different, what exactly, i don't know? it's got a different feel though, and it doesn't feel like a typical caricature, so i guess i hit what i was aiming for. let me know what you think.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Murders and Executions.

Here's one i did today, Christian Bale as Patrick Bateman in American Psycho.

tried a bit different style, in terms of color use than usual. i like it, the first successful caricature i have done where you can't even see their eyes.

Monday, September 22, 2008

New caricature

so, after a summer of work, i have this whole first week in cincinnati to draw and paint. the Drawingboard is holding a caricature jam currently, the subject, Audrey Hepburn. i saw it as a good excuse to get a caricature finished for once, so here it is. let me know what you think.

Monday, September 1, 2008

A Whole Month?

Wow, you can look away from your blog for a second and it goes un-updated for a whole month. sorry, i've been quite busy with work and , well, yeah just work. not only have i been posting less lately but i've been not drawing as much.

but i cannot post without giving you something to look at, so here's what i've been working on for a while now.just a humorous illustration about a knight that might just be in over his head. i really tried to push myself on the lighting in this one. you can see the whole process here at drawingboard.org. hope you like it.

oh, and also here are some old-school sketches that my dad found in the basement from a long time ago and a gal... ah,you know. I've been drawing star wars stuff since i was born i think. not much improvement, huh?