I suppose it's only fitting as my last post of the year to reflect a bit...
This past year I've drifted away from digital art and caricatures quite a bit. Due to school, my traditional fine art pursuits are taking up more and more time, and i really enjoy the challenge of something new.
I'm really, really enjoying filling in the gaps in my art education. You would have been hard pressed to find me voluntarily reading my math textbook while at UC, but i find myself searching out more and more things to read and learn to make myself a better artist. The exercises and projects that, in any other subject, i would have considered a chore, i search out and complete with a zeal that surprises even me. I feel silly for saying it, but I'm excited just talking about it.
My caricature projects have taken an obvious back seat to my attempts to get a handle on painting and working from life, both portrait and figure. However, when i go back to my caricatures it's a whole new beast now. It's like i was walking in the dark before and I've finally found the light switch. With some actual art education under my belt i feel i can competently make the right decisions in my art. Sure, some of my caricatures were quite nice, but i feel like i was just getting lucky. It excites me to think of what i will do with my caricature art in the new year, and i hope it excites you too. However much fun I've been having, this blog is for the reader as well and i feel an obligation to provide something. That's a constant motivation for me.
I can certainly see the trend, not so many comments on my traditional artwork, and less and less on my caricatures. I will Try to take a more active roll in the blogosphere in the new year. I miss the interactions with my peers here on the internet and the real-time feedback and critique available, but it's a give and take and i feel guilty for not keeping a closer eye on the work of my internet acquaintances and sharing my thoughts.
Well, now that I've said that, you were probably hoping for some art. I have a couple caricature projects on the drawing board at the moment.
My Sherlock piece is coming along slowly but surely,

I also have some sketches from a personal project for my Dad to share.
He's a Drummer and he wanted some caricatures of legendary rock drummers for the wall of his drum room, so here are the prelims.

Have a good new year's celebration everyone.
I'm enjoying mine drawing, wooo!
See you next year