well... as a caricature subject, that is.
When i saw she was the latest e-caricatures contest subject, i figured she'd be fun to draw. At a glance she seems to have an easy face to caricature. Indeed, for some that may be true. However, her visage has become the bane of my existence for the last week. it's a riddle i feel almost incapable of solving, a nut i can't seem to crack. this project was even making me think i had lost my touch. It became a blancing act, as usual i guess, trying to fit her oversize features into a small head, and every time a stretched it just a little, i lost the likeness totally. i couldn't get a break. tonight i may have stumbled onto something i can shape into a final piece.
ok. done bitching, here's some art. brace yourselves. here's a look into my torturous process.
started out just getting something down, anything... i refined this idea into the sketch in my earlier post.

then i took a closer look at structure and how the parts fit together, because when i didn't fit them together realistically it looked weird.

tried to exaggerate the brows to more of an extreme. fail.

how bout the smile. nope.

really, that was all just to make this last one look better. i decided to play with the features in a more 3d perspective, perhaps that would get me somewhere. i think it did. let me know what you think.